Green Bay Kindergarten2024-04-12T04:22:08+00:00

Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to Green Bay Kura Kōhungahunga/Kindergarten

Our Place

Green Bay Kindergarten offer a warm and inviting early learning environment, which provides a range of cosy spaces, both indoors and outdoors. This allows tamariki/children to explore their interests in small groups or as individuals.

We are nestled alongside La Rosa Gardens and our backyard looks out onto this beautiful community space. We are proud of our open, inviting outdoor environment, blooming with natural resources and bursting with opportunities for tamariki to explore, make discoveries and further develop their physical skills.

Our Community 

We are proud of our multicultural and diverse community, and the richness that this adds to our centre. Our kindergarten thrives on the involvement of our families and the wider community. We have an open door policy and we welcome whānau/families to share in their child’s learning journey, as this nurtures a sense of belonging for all.

Our teaching team is made up of five qualified, registered kaiako/teachers with a collective wealth of experience. We are supported by an onsite administrator, teacher aide and student kaiako who bring their own strengths and knowledge to our team.

We have built a reciprocal relationship with our local kura/school, Green Bay School, which supports our transitional visits.

The quote, “it takes a village to raise a child” really resonates with us within this community.

Our Values  

Manaakitanga –  respect for ourselves, others, and our environment is at the heart of our philosophy.

Curiosity – children are naturally curious and we acknowledge and support this in our centre, to encourage a life-long love of learning.

Inclusion – our children are beautifully unique and we provide an inclusive environment where each individual’s strengths and interests are nurtured.

Relationships – building reciprocal relationships with children and their whānau are paramount to our practice.  Our learning community is enriched through open communication, and the sharing of whānau aspirations for their child.

Our Learning Opportunities 

Our learning and planning is underpinned by the New Zealand early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki. This bicultural document guides our teaching practice. Kaiako understand, value and respect that a child’s work is their play.  Therefore, we set inviting experiences that cater to the strengths, interests and needs of tamariki.  We invite them to explore, make discoveries and problem solve, as they learn at their own pace.

Our tamariki are encouraged to be independent and to learn ways to be responsible, through the social learning environment that we provide.  Kaiako role model strategies for self-regulation and social competency.  The learning experiences available at our centre help our tamariki to be not only school ready, but life ready.

We look forward to meeting you and your tamaiti/child for a visit.

Ka whangaia, ka tipu, ka puāwai.

Nurture them and they grow, then blossom.


    Teachers respond effectively to what they observe about children. They work alongside children engaging them in conversation, valuing their contributions and asking questions that promote their curiosity and thinking.

    Green Bay Kindergarten 2017 ERO Report


    Teachers value whānau as partners in supporting children's learning and encourage parents to share their aspirations for their children with staff.

    Green Bay Kindergarten 2017 ERO Report

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